![]() 陶瓷物料已發展了一段時期,現已於成熟階段亦於日常生活中廣泛採用。此物料能在高溫中保持其穩定性、而且耐腐蝕性、和高硬度,故十分適用於各類產品以改善能源效益、保護環境。 陶瓷刀是採用高純超細氧化鋯為原料,其堅硬度緊次於鑽石(鋼鐵5-6級、氧化鋯8.2級而鑽石是10級),耐磨性遠高於一般金屬刀。氧化鋯具有硬度高、耐腐蝕性強、化學穩定性好、高耐磨性等特點,刃口鋒利無比。由此可見,用它進行切削和砍斬時,其性能遠超過鈦合金刀,且比鋼刀鋒利,不需要經常打磨。 陶瓷物料的穩定性極強,耐酸性高、永不起銹變色。不會與食物發生任何化學反應,保持食物原味及不易令蔬果變色;並不含金屬的味道或氣味,不黏的陶瓷表面使刀身容易清理。加上其輕巧的刀身,絕對是新一代家居之選。 Ceramic Knife is a healthy and environmental product, it had been passed for: Non Pb, Non-toxic, Acid-resistant, it's also hard to occur chemical reaction with food which can retains most of the tastes and colors of the food. Ceramic knife are made of Advanced, high-tech materials called Zirconium Oxide(also called Zirconia), Zirconium oxide has a hardness of 8.2 mohs (vs steel at 5-6 mohs and diamond at 10 mohs), which can save the times to sharpen the knife frequently. Ceramic knives are more wear resistant than common steel knife, the high density and smooth surface, causes the bacteria very difficult to survive. |
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